
what is it

regionaliztion is the process of expanding an existing service into one or more new cloud regions

most companys will deploy to one region (in aws its us-east-1/virgina)


moves infrasturce closer to end users (not everyone lives in virgina) to reduce client latency

reduce blast radius of broken services (can release change to 1 region first to confirm that it is working, if it breaks, it only breaks for users in that region instead of all the users)

reduces blast radius from aws LSE. these events are usually limited to one region, if your service is able to operate in different regions, you can redirect users to the good regions temporalry to avoid disruption

data soverinty. some countries/juristrictions TODO EXAMPLE require cloud infrastructure to be deployed within their boards. since aws has regions all over the world, the service can be deployed into them easier if already regionalized


basededge can help (with infra automation) drive the adoption of infratsturcue regionaliztionalĀ  and guide the arch changes to make it happen